This file must be printed out by using Alt P from within pE If you're using a Laser printer: Paper length = 60 Top margin = 0 Bottom margin = 0 Heading = on Footing = on otherwise: Paper length = 66 Top margin = 3 Bottom margin = 3 Heading = on Footing = on leave other settings default. \#N23\ €\ \ pE - The "perfect" Editor (tm) by Just Excellent Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved Just Excellent Software, Inc P.O. Box 1996 Media, PA 19063 \#B67\i\ €\#B12\Copyright (c) 1990,1991 by Just Excellent Software, Inc.\ Table of Contents Part 1. About pE........................................... 1 Status Line........................................ 2 Insert/Replace..................................... 2 Escape Key......................................... 2 Prompts............................................ 2 Block Commands..................................... 3 Cursor Movement.................................... 4 Enter Key.......................................... 5 Deleting Text...................................... 5 File Commands...................................... 7 Exiting pE......................................... 9 Graphic Keys....................................... 9 Box Drawing........................................ 9 Changing Box Styles................................ 10 Drawing Lines with cursor keys (autodraw).......... 10 Hexadecimal Editing................................ 10 Key Mappings....................................... 11 Macros............................................. 13 Options............................................ 14 Scrolling.......................................... 17 Finding and Replacing Text......................... 18 Regular Expressions................................ 20 Tabs............................................... 22 Viewports (Windows)................................ 23 Word Processing Mode............................... 26 Command Line Switches.............................. 27 Keyboard Redefinition.............................. 29 \#B67\ii\ Part 2. (Key) (page) Abandon Action ESC.................32 Align Paragraph Alt_A...............32 Align Paragraph (prompt) +Alt_A..............32 Autodraw single on/off Alt_3...............33 Autodraw double on/off Alt_4...............33 Auto Tab not assigned........33 Backspace Backspace...........33 Backtab Shift Tab...........34 Backup Path not assigned........34 Borders on/off not assigned........34 Box style 1 - single Alt_1...............35 Box style 2 - double Alt_2...............35 Box style 3 - two down Alt_3...............35 Box style 4 - two across Alt_4...............35 Box style 5 - thick line Alt_5...............35 Box style 6 - +-++++-+ Alt_6...............35 Box style 7 - +=+==+=+ Alt_7...............35 Box style 8 - ++++++++ Alt_8...............35 Box style 9 - ******** Alt_9...............35 Block Undo Alt_0...............35 Calculator not assigned........36 Calculator Result Alt_=...............36 Case Sensitivity (Toggle) ^F5.................36 Center Text in Block ^Ac.................36 Character Down dn-arrow............37 Character Left <-..................37 Character Right ->..................37 Character Up up-arrow............37 Close Window Alt_K.............. 37 Command Alt_C.............. 37 Copy Marked Block Gray.Plus.......... 37 Cut Gray.Minus......... 38 Date - Time Both.Shifts........ 38 Delete Block +Gray.Minus........ 38 Delete Character Del................ 39 Delete Line F4................. 39 Delete to end of line ^F4................ 39 Delete Previous Word ^Backspace......... 39 Delete Word +Del............... 39 Display Lines (EGA/VGA) not_assigned....... 40 DOS Shell Alt_D.............. 40 DOS Window F11................ 40 Draw single line Alt_1.............. 40 Draw double line Alt_2.............. 40 \#B67\iii\ (Key) (page) Double Space Block ^Kn................ 40 Duplicate Line ^Qu................ 41 Edit File in new window Alt_E.............. 41 Enter (Return) Enter.............. 41 Exit Immediately ^Ql................ 42 Exit with Save Alt_X.............. 42 File Beginning ^PgUp.............. 42 File name to cursor Alt_-.............. 42 Page Top ^Home.............. 43 Find Alt_F.............. 43 Find Regular Expression Alt.Shift.F........ 43 Find Next F5................. 43 Find Previous F6................. 43 Goto Line/Tag F9................. 43 Graphics Mode (Toggle) Alt_G.............. 44 Help (Index) F1................. 44 Hex Mode (Toggle) Alt_H.............. 44 Include File Alt_I.............. 45 Ins/Rpl on Startup not assigned....... 46 Insert Blank Line ^N................. 46 Insert Deleted Line F3................. 46 Insert Deleted Line Segment ^F3................ 46 Insert Deleted Word +Ins............... 46 Join Line ^Qj................ 46 Jump next Window F2................. 46 Jump to File in list Alt_J.............. 46 Left Align in Block ^Al................ 47 Line Beginning Home............... 47 Line End End................ 47 Line Length not assigned....... 47 Lower Case a Block ^Kl................ 48 Macros on\off ^\................. 48 Macro undefine ^_................. 48 Mark Block Alt_B.............. 48 Mark Lines Alt_L.............. 48 Mark Row and Col 1 & 2 ^F8................ 49 Match Braces F10................ 49 Menu Alt Spacebar....... 50 Menu on/off not assigned....... 50 Merge File Alt_M.............. 50 Move Block ^Km................ 50 Move Window ^F10............... 50 New File Alt_N.............. 51 Next Character Literally ^^................. 51 Next Word ^->................ 52 \#B67\iv\ (Key) (page) Open File in this window Alt_O.............. 52 Open Line ^Qo................ 52 Open Window Alt_W.............. 53 Page Bottom ^End............... 53 Page Down PgDn............... 53 Page Top ^Home.............. 53 Page Up PgUp............... 53 Paragraph Down +PgDn.............. 53 Paragraph Up +PgUp.............. 53 Paragraph Format not assigned....... 54 Paste Gray Plus.......... 54 Previous Position F8................. 54 Print Block Alt_P.............. 55 Print File Alt_P.............. 55 Quick Save and Exit Alt_Q.............. 55 Record Keystrokes ^F1................ 56 Restore Block +Gray Plus......... 57 Restore Line ESC................ 57 Replace Regular Expression Alt Shift R........ 57 Replace String Alt_R.............. 57 Return Word Count ^Qn................ 58 Right Align in Block ^Ar................ 58 Ruler - Horizontal ^Vh................ 58 Ruler - Vertical ^Vv................ 58 Save File As Alt_S.............. 59 Save Options ^F2................ 59 Scroll Down +dn-arrow.......... 59 Scroll Up +up-arrow.......... 59 Scroll Window Left +<-................ 59 Scroll Window Right +->................ 59 Set Tabs ^F7................ 60 Shift Text F7................. 61 Single Space in block ^Kd................ 61 Size Window ^F10............... 61 Tab Right TAB................ 62 Tab Left Shift TAB.......... 62 Tag Line Alt_T.............. 62 Tile Windows Alt_Y.............. 62 Insert mode (Toggle) Ins................ 63 Undelete Line F3................. 63 Unmark Block Alt_U.............. 63 Upper Case a Block ^Ku................ 63 View File Read Only Alt_V.............. 63 Word Processing on/off ^F6 or F12......... 63 Write Block ^Kw................ 64 Zoom Windows Alt_Z.............. 64 \#B65\#P1\ ** About pE ** *** pE - The Perfect Editor *** pE is a text editor, designed to facilitate the building and writing of many types of documents. It is also designed to allow very easy form construction using the line drawing characters available in the ASCII character set of the PC. Documentation of today's modern windowed programs begins during the definition of what windows will look like and how users will interact with them. This editor provides the ability to easily document images of screens, menus, memory areas and tables of all kinds. pE's documentation, or word processing mode, allows it to work like a word processor. i.e. margins may be set, words wrap at margin boundaries and text is automatically formatted per a preset paragraph format. Of course, the paragraph format is user selectable and can be temporarily overridden to format a paragraph differently for emphasis. In this mode, deleting characters causes the text on successive lines to 'close' the gap and inserting text creates new lines if necessary to keep the preset paragraph style. The normal editing environment is referred to as the Text mode. The word processing mode is referred to as the Word mode. Because pE is a full-screen editor, you can edit any part of the screen, even if there is no text there. Keying a non blank character anywhere on the screen will automatically insert any needed blanks in front of the cursor. You can tell what mode the Editor is in by looking at the 'status line'. The status line is the very last line on the screen. In the center of the status line, (col. 39-43), there are either blanks or symbols: 1. Word/Text W = Word (see word processing) 2. Insert/Replace I = Insert, R = Replace 3. Caps Lock (up-arrow) = Caps Lock ON 4. Num Lock # = Num Lock ON 5. Scroll Lock s = Scroll Lock ON If the start up mode is Insert, depressing Ins will put pE into Replace mode, and display an R in col. 40. Ins toggles pE between Insert and Replace mode. ^F6 or F12 toggles pE between Word and Text mode. In insert mode, pE's cursor is normally shaped _. In replace mode, it is normally Ü. This is user selectable under Menu Options - Insert/Replace. Insert: þ Characters are inserted at the cursor þ Backspace deletes the character left of the cursor þ Enter splits the line at the cursor þ Tab inserts spaces to the next tab stop Replace: þ Characters replace the character at the cursor þ Backspace replaces the character left of the cursor with a space þ Enter moves cursor to the start of the next line þ Tab moves cursor to the next tab stop The ESC key is used to cancel or end a command. While editing, it will restore the line to what it looked like before you began editing that line. When in the Help menu or one of its sub-menus, Shift ESC will escape out of the menu system back to editing the file. Otherwise Shift Esc inserts the escape character (decimal 27) into the buffer. When prompts within pE require a single letter as a response, for example: Close? (n/y): or All? (y/n): the possible choices are given in the parenthesis. The first of the choices is the default when an ENTER is pressed. ESC is also always acceptable as a response and means you wish to cancel the proposed action. With a mouse, the mouse cursor will highlight the default response so that a click left will select the default. Moving the mouse to any other letter in the selection list and clicking left, selects that option. Clicking right with the mouse is interpreted as ESC. ** Block Commands ** Blocks are marked with either Alt_L (for lines) or Alt_B (for block). The area highlighted comprises the block. To finish marking a block, either use the same key you started with (Alt_L or B) or execute any other Alt command. With a mouse, click left and drag, to mark lines, click right and drag, to mark a block, and click left twice without moving, to un mark a block. Alt_L - mark a block of lines Alt_B - mark a rectangular block of columns Gray(-) - cut, i.e. from text buffer to scrap Gray(+) - paste, from scrap to cursor location Shift Gray(-) - delete block from buffer to PB$$$$.PED Shift Gray(+) - restore contents of PB$$$$.PED to buffer at cursor. With the mouse, the symbols (-) and (+) in the border mean cut and paste. The Edit menu may also be used. Alt_U or double left click - un marks the block. Copy Mark the block, position to where you want the copy, and press Gray (+) on the numeric key pad. May be repeated as long as block is marked. Cut Mark the block, press Gray(-). Delete Mark the block, press shift Gray(-). Paste Position and press Gray(+). Inserts line blocks above cursor and rectangular blocks horizontally. Move Mark the block, press ^Km. Shift Mark the block using Alt_B, press F7. Move block using arrows,paste with Gray(+). Align Mark a rectangular block, press ^A and c,r,or l. Case Mark a rectangular block, press ^K and u or l. Double Mark a block, press ^Kn. Single Mark a block, press ^Kd. Print Mark a block, press Alt_P. Replace Alt_R will replace text only in marked block. Write Mark a block, press ^Kw. Restore ^Qb inserts the last deleted block to cursor. A marked block limits the action of the following keys: Alt_A - align text Alt_P - print Alt_R - replace Gray(-) - cut Gray(+) - paste ^Ac r or l - align within block, center, right or left ^Ku or l - case, upper and lower ^Kn - double space lines within block ^Kd - single space lines within block ^Kw - write block to file ^Km - move block (cut from mark, paste to cursor) ** Cursor Movement ** ^ = Control Key also + = Shift Key also To move Use Or To Move Use Or ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Up up-arrow ³Scroll Up +up-arrow ³ ³Down dn-arrow ³Scroll Down +dn-arrow ³ ³Left <- ³Scroll Left +<- ³ ³Right -> ³Scroll Right +-> ³ ³Line Start Home ³Line End+1 End ³ ³Left Edge +Home ^W ³Right Edge +End ^E ³ ³Next Word ^-> ³Prev Word ^<- ³ ³Next Tab Tab ^I ³Prev Tab +Tab ³ ³Next Para +PgDn ^Qz ³Prev Paragraph +PgUp ^Qw³ ³Page Up PgUp ³Begin of file ^PgUp ³ ³Page Down PgDn ³End of file ^PgDn ³ ³Top of page ^Home ³Bottom of page ^End ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The arrows move the cursor in the direction indicated. The arrow keys with the shift key depressed cause the cursor to remain still while the data scrolls in the opposite direction. The left and right arrow keys with the control key depressed are previous word, next word, respectively. PgUp and PgDn cause the next screen of data to appear in the up or down direction. +PgUp (^Qw) and +PgDn (^Qz) move cursor to previous or next paragraph. ^PgUp and ^PgDn move the cursor to the beginning and end (first page and last page) of file. Home moves the cursor to the first non blank character in the line. If already there, the cursor moves to the left edge of the window. Shift Home moves to left edge. ^Home goes to row 1, first non_blank character of line. End moves the cursor past the last character in the line. If there, the cursor moves to the right edge of the window. Shift End moves to right edge. ^End causes the cursor to move past the last character in the bottom row (bottom right of screen). EnterÄÙ (^M) - (REPLACE mode) moves the cursor down one row to the first non blank character or the current left margin. EnterÄÙ (^M) - (INSERT mode) moves the characters to the right of the cursor down to the next line. Scroll Lock locks the cursor such that the arrow keys cause the data to move rather than the cursor. ** Deleting Text ** Single Character. - Del on Numeric Keypad. The current character (the one over the cursor) is deleted with Del on the numeric keypad. Any text to the right of the cursor will move left one character. The cursor will not move. If there are no characters to the right of the cursor and the editor is in insert mode, the next line is joined to the current line. Previous Character. - Backspace (-) The Backspace key (-) or ^H will delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the cursor is at column one, and the editor is in insert mode, pressing backspace will delete the previous newline and in effect join the current line to the previous line. In replace mode, the character to the left of the cursor is replaced with a blank and characters will not shift left, only the cursor will move. Next Word. - ^T or Shift Del. If the cursor is on a blank, then it and all blanks to the next non-blank are deleted from the buffer. If on a non-blank, then it and all characters including blanks are deleted until the next 'word'. Text is moved to the left irrespective of Insert/Replace. Shift Ins or ^Qt undelete the last deleted word. Previous Word. - ^Backspace. ^Backspace deletes to the left one 'word'. All characters back to the beginning of the previous word are deleted. Text moves to the left to follow the cursor. Text to the left of the left edge (off the screen) is not deleted. Single Line. - F4 or ^Y. All lines below move up one line. The line deleted can be restored with F3 or ^U. Block of Lines. - Shift Gray(-), on the Numeric Keypad. A marked block is deleted with Shift Gray(-). The deleted text is written to PB$$$$.PED from which it can be recovered with Shift Gray(+) or ^Qb. Note that the contents of that file are overwritten each time a block delete occurs, so only the last delete is reversible. To the End of Line. - ^F4 or ^Qy. ^F4 or ^Qy will delete all characters from the cursor to the end of the current line. They can be restored anywhere in the buffer with ^F3 or ^Qi. To the End of File. Mark using Alt_L. Type ^PgDn to advance to the end of the file. Press Shift Gray(-). File. Files can be deleted in two ways. Use Alt_D to 'shell' out to DOS and then Del or Erase filename. Return with EXIT. The second way is to call the 'file chooser' with an Alt_E (edit), Alt_O (open), Alt_V (view), or Alt_M (merge). Any file can be deleted using F4 from the file chooser. If you then press ESC you can cancel the file chooser and return to where you were. ** File Commands ** New File. - Alt_N. New creates a new file in the current window. At the prompt: New File: Enter a new file name. Alt_O may also be pressed to call the file chooser. Open. - Alt_O. Open is used to open a file in the current window. If the file currently in the window has been changed you are prompted: Discard changes to [filename]? (n/y/save): Otherwise, the file chooser pops up for you to select a file to open. Edit. - Alt_E. Edit will first open a new window and then call Open for you. To switch between the two windows use F2 or Alt_J. Merge. - Alt_M. Copies a file into the scrap buffer, overwriting what might be there. From there, it can be pasted into any location with the paste key. Gray(+). Include. - Alt_I. Examines the line the cursor is in for a file specification. If one is found (between any set of delimiters [('"{}"')], then the file spec is used to first look in the current directory for file, then in the path specified by the "INCLUDE" environment variable, and finally in the path specified in the "PATH" environment variable. If the file is found it is read in to a new window for editing (if not already loaded). The file spec may have a line number following (blank separated). The file will be positioned to that line (or line 1). Save As. - Alt_S. If the file has been modified, Save will write the buffer to the current file name. The current filename is provided at the prompt: Save File:[filename] The filename can be edited to be any legal DOS file specification. After the file is written, the window is left open for further editing of the file. If the file has not been modified, the user is so informed and asked: File Not Modified. Save anyway? (n/y): Answering yes saves the file as above. Print. - Alt_P. Prints either the entire contents of the file in the window or the contents of the marked block, if a block is marked. View. - Alt_V. Opens a file for viewing in a read only window. Lines may be copied out of that window into any other window. No changes are allowed. DOS Shell. - Alt_D. Exits pE temporarily. Loads a copy of COMMAND.COM. To return to pE type EXIT at DOS's command prompt. EXit. - Alt_X. Will advise of modified files allowing you to save or not. If no files were modified, then an immediate exit occurs with all windows closed. Exit Immediately. - ^Ql. ABANDONS ALL CHANGES. This command will abandon all changes and exit. NO WARNING IS GIVEN IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY CHANGES MADE! ** Graphic Key Mappings ** When Alt_G is pressed, the keyboard is mapped: q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Ú Â ¿ É Ë » Õ Ñ ¸ Ö Ò · a s d f g h j k l ; ' + à Š´ Ì Î ¹ Æ Ø µ Ç × ¶ z x c v b n m , . / - \ À Á Ù È Ê ¼ Ô Ï ¾ Ó Ð ½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ³ º Ä Í Û Ü Ý Þ ß ± All other characters are as usual. To return to normal mode, press Alt_G again. ** Automatic Boxes ** Boxes can be drawn by marking a block with Alt_B and then typing one of the following keys: Alt_1 Alt_2 Alt_3 Alt_4 Alt_5 ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÉÍÍÍ» ÖÄÄÄ· ÕÍÍ͸ ÛßßßÛ ³ ³ º º º º ³ ³ Û Û ÀÄÄÄÙ ÈÍÍͼ ÓÄÄĽ ÔÍÍ; ÛÜÜÜÛ Alt_6 Alt_7 Alt_8 Alt_9 Alt_0 +---+ +===+ +++++ ***** Undoes + + + + + + * * last box +---+ +===+ +++++ ***** command Alt_1 or 2 will draw lines with correct connectors at junctions. Either mark row or column with Alt_B or place cursor on top or left edge of a box. ** Redefining Box Styles ** Pressing Alt Shift 6 through Alt Shift 9 allows you to redefine box styles 6 through 9. Subsequently saving options will save the new box styles. Box styles 1 through 5 cannot be redefined. Box characters are stored in an array of characters 8 bytes long. The positions in the array correspond to: offset 0 = upper left corner 1 = top row 2 = upper right corner 3 = left side 4 = right side 5 = lower left corner 6 = bottom row 7 = bottom right corner When you press Alt Shift 6 the prompt is: offset 01234567 Box Style #6:+-++++-+ +----+ + + this produces a box looking like +----+. changing it this way: Box Style #6:-|+- ---- | + would produce a box looking like ----. ** Autodraw ** Pressing Alt_3 or Alt_4 when no box is marked turns autodraw on and off. Autodraw assigns the single line character set (with Alt_3) to the cursor keys. Alt_4 assigns the double line character set to the cursor keys. As you move the cursor a line is drawn. When the line crosses any of the line drawing characters, the correct connector will be drawn. Reversing direction will replace the character just drawn with a space. When a corner is turned, the correct corner character is used. This feature is very useful for connecting boxes. ** Hexadecimal Editing ** Editing in Hex mode is accomplished by keying Alt_H after starting pE or by using the command line switch /h. Also, if a file is determined to not be a text file, pE will automatically switch to hex mode. In hex mode, you may edit either the hex numbers or the ASCII characters. pE will automatically make the appropriate adjustments. To get from one portion of the display to the other use TAB and BACKTAB . You may not add or delete data to a hexadecimal edit. The editing mode is set (locked) into replace mode. It is possible to edit in Hex in one window and ASCII in another. The hex edit window may not be sized or moved. Tiling is disabled while any window contains a hex edit. ** Key Mappings ** Alternate Keys Alt_A - Align Paragraph Alt_N - Name File Alt_B - Block Mark (cols) Alt_O - Open File Alt_C - Command Alt_P - Print File Alt_D - Shell to DOS Alt_Q - Quick exit (macro) Alt_E - Edit File Alt_R - Replace String Alt_F - Find String Alt_S - Save File As Alt_G - Graphics Toggle Alt_T - Tag Line Alt_H - Hex Mode Toggle Alt_U - Unmark Block Alt_I - Include File Alt_V - View File Read Only Alt_J - Jump to File Alt_W - Open Window Alt_K - Close Window Alt_X - Exit Alt_L - Line Mark Alt_Y - Tile Windows Alt_M - Merge File Alt_Z - Zoom Windows Alt + spacebar - MENU Alt_1 - Alt_9 - draw boxes when block is marked. Alt Shift 6 - Alt Shift 9 redefine those box styles. Alt_1, Alt_2 - draw single, double lines in boxes. Alt_3, Alt_4 - turns cursor into autodraw single, double. Alt Shift A - aligns paragraph without confirm. Alt Shift F - defines a regular expression Alt Shift R - Uses regular expression for replace string Numeric Key Pad Home - Line Beginning End - Line End +Home - Left Edge +End - Right Edge ^Home - Page Top ^End - Page Bottom up - Character Up PgUp - Page Up +up - Scroll Up +PgUp - Paragraph Up dn - Character Down ^PgUp - File Beginning +dn - Scroll Down PgDn - Page Down <- - Character Left +PgDn - Paragraph Down +<- - Scroll Left ^PgDn - File End ^<- - Previous Word Ins - Toggle Insert Mode -> - Character Right +Ins - Insert Deleted Word +-> - Scroll Right Del - Delete Character ^-> - Next Word +Del - Delete Word (minus)- Cut (plus)- Paste, Copy +(minus) Del +(plus) Restore Delete Function Keys F1 - Help ^F1 - Begin/End Macro define F2 - Jump next Window ^F2 - Save Options F3 - Insert Deleted Line ^F3 - Insert Deleted Segment F4 - Delete Line ^F4 - Delete to end of Line F5 - Find Next ^F5 - Toggle case sensitivity F6 - Find Previous ^F6 - Set Word Process F7 - Shift Text ^F7 - Set Tab options F8 - Goto prev row/col ^F8 - Mark row/col 1 & 2 F9 - Goto Line/Tag ^F9 - Size Window F10 - Match Braces ^F10 - Move Window F11 - Dos Window F12 - Set Word Process Shift and Alternate F1 - F10 are not defined. Control Keys ^A - Align text ^N - Insert new line ^B - (filled happy) ^O - (sunburst char) ^C - (heart) ^P - Scroll Window ^D - (diamond) ^Q - Miscellaneous ^E - East edge of screen ^R - (up-dn arrow) ^F - (club) ^S - (double exclamation) ^G - (delete char) ^T - Delete Word ^H - Backspace (BS) ^U - Undelete Line ^I - Tab Right ^V - Rulers v & h ^J - (new line) ^W - West edge ^K - Block ^X - up-arrow ^L - (top of form) ^Y - Delete Line ^M - ENTER ^Z - (end_of_file) ^Kd - Delete Blank Lines ^Kn - Insert Blank Lines ^Kl - Block To Lower Case ^Ku - Block To Upper Case ^Km - Move Marked Block ^Ac - Center Text in Block ^Al - Left Align in Block ^Ar - Right Align in Block ^Qb - Restore Block ^Qi - Insert Del Line ^Qj - Join Line ^Qn - Return Word Count ^Qo - Open Line ^Qt - Insert Deleted Word ^Qu - Duplicate Line ^Qw - Paragraph Up ^Qx - Page Bottom ^Qy - Delete to end of line ^Qz - Paragraph Down ^Ql - Exit Immediately - NO SAVE ^BS - Delete Previous word ^^ followed by any control character inserts that control character. ** Macros ** Macros are multiple keystrokes represented by one key. The process of creating a Macro is called 'recording'. To begin (and end) recording use ^F1. As you type, the keystrokes appear in a special window. The only editing available while recording is Control Backspace. This will allow you to delete the last character typed. Macros are restricted to 255 keystrokes. When you have finished recording, type ^F1. pE will prompt: Press the key you wish to assign this macro or ESC to cancel. Type the key you wish to assign to this macro (or ESC). Any macro currently in effect is saved when options are saved. ^F2 saves all user selectable options in a file called ENV.PED. Whenever pE is started in the same directory, any saved macros will be available. Macros are executed by keying the assigned key. Macros may call other macros, - even themselves! To 'kill' a macro that is in a loop, use ESC. Macros may be deactivated (turned off) temporarily by pressing ^\ (control back slash). Pressing ^\ a second time reactivates them. Macros work by placing the recorded keystrokes into the keyboard buffer. Since the keyboard buffer is normally 15 characters long, any command that causes pE to 'lose control' (like Alt_D - shell to DOS), can reliably be followed by 15 characters. (Only) When a macro is executed in a loop, each line is processed from the current cursor location until either an error occurs or the last line is reached or the end of a block is reached. ** Options ** Saving Options. ^F2 - saves all settings and recorded macros to ENV.PED, in the current directory. Note that changing display lines or insert/replace mode automatically saves all options. Recording Macros. ^F1 - see Help subject Macros. Macros are sequences of keystrokes represented by one key. ^F1 is used both to start and end the recording process. Setting Margins. ^F6 - Both Right and Left Margins may be set. Word wrap occurs at the right margin. The default (and maximum) value of right margin is 511. The left margin normally "floats", i.e. assumes the value of the preceding line. This effect is obtained with a left margin of 0, the default. You may set the left margin to any value greater than 1 and less than the right edge of the screen. Setting the left margin causes the cursor to return to that column on ENTER. Setting Tabs. ^F7 - Sets Tab stops, Detab Increment and whether tabs replace blanks on output. The row in which the cursor resides is replaced with a line of ....T....T. The t's represent tab stops. You may edit this line using normal editing commands. The only character affecting tab stops are t's (or T's). All other characters are ignored. You may cancel, (ESC) without changes, or ENTER to preserve changes. If ENTER is pressed, the next prompt will ask what the Detab Increment should be. The default is 8. The only reason to change this value is to cause a lessor or greater expansion of tabs into blanks on input. Most word processors and text editors use 8 spaces per tab on output and input. The final prompt in setting tabs: "Do you want blanks replaced with tab characters on output?" requires a yes or no with the default being yes. If you intend to use a file output from pE, as input into a program that cannot deal with tabs, choose No, else choose Yes. Choosing No means blanks will NOT be replaced with tabs in the output file, making your output file slightly larger. Borders On or Off. Turns borders on or off. If you're using a mouse and you turn borders off, the rightmost edge of your window becomes the scroll region. The cut, paste, zoom and horizontal scroll arrows are invisible and consequently useless. Borders off provides 2 more columns and 1 more row. Border are also very useful when editing multiple window on one screen in monochrome. Menu On or Off. Turns menu display on or off. Menus are always available by either pressing alt space or by clicking left in the first row of the screen. Turning menus off provides one extra line in the window. Setting Colors. When selected, the prompt: Window text or Message menu text (w/m/ESC)? appears on the status line. Pressing 'w' (or 'W') allows window text colors to be changed, 'm' allows changing of message and menu colors and Escape ends. Each time the letter 'F' is pressed, the foreground of the selected scheme will change; the letter 'B' changes the background. Pressing F repeatedly will cycle through all of the available foreground colors. B will do the same for background. With a mouse, pressing the left button is equivalent to typing an F while pressing the right button alters the background (B). If you cycle past the color you wish, keypad - will back up one color for each press, keypad + will cycle ahead one color. Remember to press ESC when finished. Since the right mouse button is used to cycle the background, you must press ESC even when using the mouse. Setting Backup Path. When a file is saved to an existing filename, pE will save the contents of the preexisting file to the directory specified in Backup Path. If the value of Backup path is Null, then this action is suppressed. No change is made to the filename. Setting Insert/Replace on Startup. (See About pE for discussion of insert vs replace). This option sets the 'mode' in which pE will operate most of the time. Selecting I (for insert) will mean that when pE becomes active, Insert mode will be the operating mode. The cursor will be thin and pressing the Ins key will place the editor in Replace mode. Selecting an R (for replace) means that Replace mode will be the operating mode and pressing Ins will cause pE to go into Insert mode. Setting Paragraph Style. Paragraph style refers to how you wish the alignment of paragraphs to proceed. In order to align (or justify) a paragraph, we need to know where you would like the left margin, the right margin, how many columns to indent the first line and what type of justification you desire. This option allows you to set each of these variables. The margin referred to in paragraph style can be different than the left and right margin assigned under Option menu item Margins. - see topic Word Processing for additional information. Setting Display Lines. This menu item is suppressed for systems without an EGA or VGA Adapter. Selecting this option will cause pE to select 43 lines(EGA) or 50 lines(VGA) when initiated. If DOS is currently in 43/50 line mode, pE will operate in that mode without changing anything. While pE will change modes to 43/50 lines if needed, it will NOT change modes to 25 lines if DOS is in 43/50 line mode. Setting Maximum Line Length. The default maximum line length accommodated by pE is 511 characters. If you wish, you may set the line length to a value less than this. The advantage of setting the line length is that once set, pE will not allow characters to be entered past that point. Also, pressing end will go to the end of the line or the maximum line length, whichever is shorter. ** Scrolling ** Scrolling enables the movement of data into and out of one of pE'S windows. By this means, all of the document being edited can be seen and acted upon. Scrolling occurs automatically when the cursor is located in the top row and an up arrow is pressed or in the bottom row and a down arrow is pressed. Similarly if the cursor is in column 80 (or the last physical column) of the window, and a cursor right is pressed, data is scrolled to the left. If the cursor is in column 1 (or the left most edge of the window) and a cursor left is pressed, data is scrolled to the right. The above can be depicted graphically by: Text above ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º up º º<- ->º º dn º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Text below Pressing an up arrow would cause "Text above" to appear in the window...etc. Scrolling can also be accomplished by first pressing 'Scroll Lock' and then pressing an arrow key. Pressing 'Scroll Lock' again 'releases' the cursor. Holding the shift key down while pressing the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, causes the data to scroll in the opposite direction to the arrow depressed. For mouse lovers, the upper right hand corner and lower left hand corner have scroll 'gadgets' (if there is a border). Clicking left on the symbol causes data to scroll up/left for the left button and down/right for the right button. ** Finding and Replacing Text ** Finding Text - see also ** Regular Expressions ** Search (or Find) is accomplished by keying Alt_F. The prompt: Find String: appears on the status line. Key in the text you wish to search for. If you end with an ENTER or down_arrow, pE will begin the search from the current cursor position and proceed to the end of the file. If a string matching the 'find string' is found, it is highlighted and the screen is repainted with the string found being near the middle row of the screen. The screen is only repainted when the found string is off the current page. To find the next occurrence press F5 to continue the 'downward' search or F6 to reverse direction. If, when you key in the find string, you finish with an up_arrow, the direction of search is set to backward and the scan proceeds towards the 'top' of the file. If the string is not found, a message appears in the middle of the screen informing you that the search string was not found. Text can be searched for either by ignoring case or by being case specific. Which of these will pertain is determined by pressing ^F5. pE defaults to case insensitive searches. To locate a case specific string press ^F5. This key acts as a toggle (on/off) so pressing it once more causes the case insensitivity to return. Matching Braces, Parends, Brackets. pE has the ability to search for matching braces, parends or brackets '{([])}'. Place the cursor on any of those characters and press F10. If the character is an opening one, then the search is forward through the file. When a match is found, it is highlighted and the file is positioned to display the character, if necessary. If the character is a closing one, the search direction is toward the beginning of the file. If no match is found, a message is written to the status line so indicating. If the cursor is not on a brace, parend or bracket when F10 is pressed, a message window pops up. Replacing Text. Summary. - (For you impatient types) Press Alt_R and key in the string to search for (string1), ENTER, the string to replace it with (string2), and whether or not to replace all occurrences or not. UNDO a block replace with Alt_0 and cancel the operation with ESCAPE. Detail. Keying Alt_R (Replace) causes Replace " to appear on the status line. Key in the text to search for, followed by ENTER. The closing quote followed by the word 'With' and a quote will appear immediately following the replace string. Replace "string1" With " Enter the text you wish substituted for the search string, again follow with ENTER. The prompt: 'All? (y/n):' asks if you wish to change all occurrences, or to be selective. Replace "string1" With "string2" All? Answering y (yes) to All? will replace all occurrences of string1 with string2. String2 may be NULL, in which case string1 is deleted wherever found. Answering n (no) scans forward looking for the next occurrence of string1. Upon finding it, pE highlights the string and asks: O.K.? (y/n/all): 'Y' replaces the string and restarts the scan, 'N' continues to the next occurrence, and 'A' replaces the current, and all subsequent, occurrences. At any time you may press ESC to cancel this command. Note that string1 is searched for according to the current case sensitivity setting (default is OFF). The scope of the command is from the current cursor location to the bottom of the file, unless a block is marked. A marked block (either type), limits the search and replace operation to the block. A block search and replace may be undone with Alt_0 (zero). ** Regular Expressions ** pE also has the ability to search and replace using "Regular Expressions". To enable regular expressions use Alt Shift F or R. Pressing Alt Shift F or R a second time returns you to normal (non-regular expression) search and replace. Regular expressions allow you to search for non explicit patterns. Because the search is more complex, it takes somewhat longer so the normally regular expressions are off. You can tell by the string Find REG EXP: or Replace REG EXP when you invoke find or replace. A regular expression can match many different strings at the same time. Example: a[123] would match the letter a followed by a 1, 2 or 3 i.e. a1, a2, a3. Regular expressions have their own syntax. Special characters include: \ - Backslash quotes the next character. \$ matches a dollar sign. \\ matches a backslash. ^ - Circumflex at the beginning of an expression matches the beginning of the line. $ - Dollar sign matches the end of a line, including a new line character. * - Matches zero or more of any character. ? - Matches one of any character. (a?e is matched by are, ate, abe, ace... :a - Matches any of a class a = alphabetic (a-zA-Z) :d - decimal digits (0-9) :n - alphanumeric (a-zA-Z0-9) :w - white space, blanks, tabs, and control characters @ - Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression. + - Matches one or more occurances of preceding expression. - - Optionally matches the preceding expression. [] - A string enclosed in square brackets matches any [~] - character in the string, but no others. If the first character is a ~, the expression matches any character NOT in the string. A range may be specified by two characters separated by '-'. Note that [a-z] matches any alphabetic but [z-a] never matches. .ñd - Dot followed by a '+' or '-' 1 to 9 causes the cursor to be positioned to that offset from the start of the found string. .c Dot followed by a character causes cursor to be positioned to that character after the start of pattern. If the character is not found, the cursor is positioned to the beginning character of the pattern. . Dot by itself means position to the end of the pattern. With respect to the dot operator note that each successive Find or replace adds(subtracts) one to the current cursor location. It is possible to continuously find the same pattern if you have applied an opposite displacement. NOTE that the dot operator is ignored on replace operations. All other characters are taken as is. Examples: Find REG EXP:hello Will find the string hello (only). Much faster to use just 'Find' Find REG EXP:\.$ Will find period (.) only at end of lines. Find REG EXP:^$ Will find only blank lines. (lines that start and end on the same character). Find REG EXP:^[a-z]+:w@*([~;]@)[~;]@$ Will find function declarations in the 'C' language. Interpret as follows: Find any alphabetic character (one or more occurances at the beginning of a line (^[a-z]+) followed by Zero or more occurrences of white space (:w@) followed by Any number of any characters (*) followed by Left parend (() followed by Zero or more occurrences of any character but a semicolon ([~;]@) followed by Right parend ()) followed by Zero or more occurrences of any character but a semicolon ([~;]@) followed by End of line ($). ** Tabs ** Tab and Shift Tab. The effect of pressing tab depends on pE's cursor mode. In Insert mode, spaces are inserted to the next tab stop. Backtab removes spaces back to the previous tab stop. In replace mode, tab advances the cursor to the next 'tab stop', backtab moves the cursor to the previous 'tab stop'. If a block is marked, and at least part of it is visible, the action of the tab and backtab key is applied to each line in the block. A very handy way to shift the block one tab stop in either direction is to mark the block, press Home (to move cursor to first non blank character) and press tab (or backtab). Setting Tabs. ^F7 - Sets Tab stops, Detab Increment and whether tabs replace blanks on output. The row in which the cursor resides is replaced with a line of ....T....T. The t's represent tab stops. You may edit this line using normal editing commands. The only character affecting tab stops are t's (or T's). All other characters are ignored. You may cancel, (ESC) without changes, or ENTER to preserve changes. If ENTER is pressed, the next prompt will ask what the Detab Increment should be. The default is 8. The only reason to change this value is to cause a lessor or greater expansion of tabs into blanks on input. Most word processors and text editors use 8 spaces per tab on output and input. The final prompt in setting tabs: "Do you want blanks replaced with tab characters on output?" requires a yes or no with the default being yes. If you intend to use a file output from pE, as input into a program that cannot deal with tabs, choose No, else choose Yes. Choosing No means blanks will NOT be replaced with tabs in the output file, making your output file slightly larger. Saving Tab Settings. Tab stops, detab increment, and tabs for blanks are saved as part of ENV.PED when ^F2 (save options) is pressed. ** Viewport ** Viewports (Windows) Windows are areas of the screen through which data are viewed and edited. Windows may have borders, or they may not. Windows can each have a unique color (on a color monitor) or shade (in monochrome). Windows may be opened, closed, moved, sized, tiled, zoomed and 'jumped to'. Windows may occupy the entire screen (except for the 'status line') or any part of the screen. A window's smallest number of columns depends on its title (name) in that it cannot be sized smaller in the x dimension than the number of characters in its title + 4. It's smallest dimension in the y direction is 6 rows. In pE, windows may overlap one another, or be 'tiled'. Up to 20 windows may be open simultaneously. With Mouse. If a mouse is being used, it is recommended that borders be left on, as there are useful 'gadgets' contained in the border which disappear if borders are removed. These gadgets include horizontal and vertical scroll characters, a 'thumb' for positioning in the file, cut, paste and zoom characters, re-size (lower right corner) and move (upper left corner). Active Window. A window is said to be active when the cursor is visible within it, and when any keyboard activity affects that window. Active windows have a double line border, if any, and the window title (name) is in reverse video to the border color. Inactive windows have a single line border, with the window's title the same color as the border. DOS Window. A special window, called the DOS window, always contains the appearance of the screen prior to invoking pE, or after exiting the DOS command from within pE. The data in this window may be edited, written to disk or be used to cut and paste into any other window. After a compile, it is very useful to cause this window to appear and to reference it while you correct any syntax errors in another window. Window Name. The name of a Window reflects it's contents. The name NO_NAME is given whenever the user has not explicitly put anything in the window or given the window a name through the New File (Alt_N) command. The name of a window is displayed in the upper left corner. Open Window. Alt_W opens a new window. It's name is NO_NAME and it is always opened to the maximum size available. It's number is one greater than the window in which the command was issued. Up to 20 windows may be opened simultaneously. Close Window. Alt_K closes a window. If any changes have been made to the window's contents, the user is warned. If the window closed is the last window, pE exits back to DOS. If a window is empty, read_only, or contains data not changed, it is closed immediately, and focus shifts to the window opened before it. Jump to Window. F2 is the jump key. It causes pE to 'jump' to the next window in succession each time it is pressed. If there are no more windows, pressing F2 has no effect. Pressing Alt_J presents a menu of all windows, for you to select which window you wish to 'go' to. This menu operates as all pE menus, i.e. the highlight is moved with either the arrow keys, HOME, END or by pressing an alphabetic key. ENTER then confirms your selection. When using a mouse, moving the mouse onto an inactive window and clicking left will in effect 'jump' to that window. A window must have some portion of itself in view for this to work. Tile Windows. Alt_Y will arrange any (and all) open windows such that they occupy equal portions of the screen. The screen is evenly divided so that up to 4 windows can be viewed simultaneously. If there are more than 4 windows, the rest are overlaid. With 2 or 3 windows, repeated presses of Alt_Y will arrange the windows first horizontally and then vertically. If there is only one window, Alt_Y has no effect. Zooming Windows. Zooming refers to expanding (or contracting) a window between two different sizes. Alt_Z will accomplish this change in size. In order for a window to respond to zooming it must have an alternative size. This can be accomplished either by sizing the window, or by tiling. Sizing Windows. This is easiest with the mouse. Click left on the bottom right hand corner of the border and while holding the left mouse button down, move the mouse to where you wish the new bottom right hand corner to be. ^F9 followed by the use of the arrow keys accomplishes exactly the same thing. When you're using the keyboard you must end the size operation with ESC. With the mouse, releasing the left mouse button ends the size. Moving Windows. A window can only be moved if it is smaller than the full screen. With the mouse, grab the upper left corner by pressing with the left mouse button and keeping it depressed, move where you wish the new upper left corner to be. ^F10 followed by the use of the arrow keys also will move the window. You must end a move with either ESC or by releasing the mouse button. Ruler Windows. Two special windows, called the rulers, can overlay the active window and be moved about by the same mechanism described under moving windows above. ^Vv puts a vertical ruler on the screen at the cursor location. It can be moved to any part of the screen using either the arrow keys or the mouse. It will stay on the screen until either ESC is pressed or the left mouse button is released. ^Vh places a horizontal ruler on the screen in a similar fashion. These windows can actually be moved off the screen and will wrap around to provide the most use. ** Word Processing ** Word Processing mode is selected using ^F6 or F12. When active, Word mode is signified by the presence of a W in the status line (col 39). If options are saved while Word mode is active, pE will save that status and will always start in Word Mode. You may want to do that in a separate 'documentation' directory. pE Word Mode. þ Left margin, right margin and paragraph indent level may all be set. See MENU, OPTIONS, Paragraph style. þ Word wrap occurs at the right margin setting. þ Automatic reformatting is done as you type. þ Inserting characters causes text to 'flow' onto the next line. þ Deleting characters causes text to 'flow' back from the next line. þ Reformat may be forced at any time by pressing Alt_A or Alt Shift A. þ Most useful when your typing or editing free flowing text. pE Text Mode. þ Word wrap will occur when maximum line length is less than the width of the screen. þ No Automatic reformatting is done when delete or backspace are used. Reformatting may be accomplished manually by pressing Alt_A or Alt Shift A. þ Left margin 'floats'. It assumes the value of the offset of the first non blank character of the preceding line, (or zero). þ When the cursor is in the last column of a window, the screen will shift allowing lines to be typed out to the maximum line length. (default is 511). þ Most useful when entering code, tables or text which must be formatted uniquely. ** Command Line Switches ** Usage: s [/h] [/s][/c] [/u] [/z] [/fn][/dn] [/bn] [/rn] [filespec] /h - display in Hexadecimal Format. /s - slow screen write (stops snow). /c - inverse of /s. /u - unix format on output (lf only). /z - end output file with control_z. /fn - sound frequency in cycles/sec. /dn - duration of beep in milliseconds. /bn - background character /rn - number of ranks filespec - fully qualified filename (*.*). Command line switches may be upper or lower case. They may be preceded by / or -. All switches must be presented before a filespec. Switches /fn /dn /s and /c are saved in ENV.PED if options are saved. /h. H for Hexadecimal. Using this switch will cause pE to read and format the filespec for a hexadecimal edit. /s. /c. S for Snow. If you have one of the early style CGA's and the screen is 'snowy', use this flag. C clears the snow flag. This would be used once you changed your adapter or if you made a mistake and used /s. Both /S and /C force a save of your options. It is suggested that these options be used in the pE directory, when you first install pE, or when your equipment changes. /u. U is for UNIX. The MS_DOS line ending convention is a CRLF sequence (hex 0D0A). UNIX uses a LINE FEED (hex 0A). pE doesn't care which way lines end. Most other editors and word processors on MS_DOS machines care very much. If your PC is networked to a UNIX machine and you need to read a UNIX (ASCII) file, go right ahead. If you need to write it back, use this switch. /z. Z is for ^z. (control z). Early versions of MS_DOS relied on ^z to end a text file. If you wish to write a file which can be read on pre DOS 2.0 version machines, then use /z. /fn and /dn. F is for Frequency and D is for Duration. There are a few places in pE that beep. Pressing an undefined key is one of them. If you don't care for the sound of the default beep (f = 262, d = 30), change ahead. Note that setting a duration of 0 will totally silence pE. /bn B is for background character. The 'n' is a decimal ASCII value for the character you wish to fill the background in. The default is ASCII 176 '°'; other choices might be ASCII 177 '±' or 178 '²' or 32 (space). /rn R is for rank (column). The 'n' is the number of columns you want displayed in the file chooser. The default is 3 and the range of values is 1 to 5. ** Modifying Key Assignments ** Amongst the files installed in sub-directory pE are two files, KEY.PED and KEY.TXT. The file KEY.PED is a binary version of KEY.TXT. It is also the virtual keyboard definition table. pE cannot run without it. In order to effect key assignment changes, the following procedure should be followed: a. Make a backup of key.ped. b. Make a backup of key.txt. c. Make whatever changes you wish to key.txt. d. Run the program PK.EXE. pk [\path] Path is the subdirectory where key.ped will be placed. The default is the current directory. e. Test your changes by executing pE. KEY.TXT is an ASCII file interpreted by PK.EXE: 1. A # starts a comment. Comments and blank lines are skipped. 2. Any single character, except space, tab and #, stands for itself. 3. A two character sequence starting with ^ stands for a control character. 4. A sequence of two or more digits is interpreted as a decimal integer. 5. A sequence of two or more digits in which the first is zero (0), is interpreted as an octal integer. 6. An integer can have a leading +, needed for digits 0 - 9. A plain 9 would refer to ASCII 9 ('9'). 7. The names in column one are read in to represent functions during macro definition. 8. Multiple keystrokes can be assigned a given function. ex: ^k m means control k followed by m 9. A function may have more than one key sequence assigned, but any given key sequence may not refer to more than one function. 10. 'Special' keys, (ALT and numeric keypad and function keys) are coded with a preceding binary zero (+0 ) followed by their scan codes. (see your DOS manual). 11. The key sequence +0 +0 will prevent a command from being executed by key in. It can still be executed via the command or from the menu. 12. Below codes are for extended keyboards only (AT's, PS/2's etc). +0 133 #F11 +0 134 #F12 +0 135 #Shift F11 +0 136 #Shift F12 +0 137 #Ctrl F11 +0 138 #Ctrl F12 +0 139 #Alt F11 +0 140 #Alt F12 +0 141 #Ctrl Up-Arrow +0 142 #Ctrl - +0 143 #Ctrl 5 +0 144 #Ctrl + +0 145 #Ctrl Down-Arrow +0 146 #Ctrl Insert +0 147 #Ctrl Delete +0 148 #Ctrl Tab +0 149 #Ctrl / +0 150 #Ctrl * +0 151 #Alt Home +0 152 #Alt Up-Arrow +0 153 #Alt Page-Up +0 155 #Alt Left-Arrow +0 157 #Alt Right-Arrow +0 159 #Alt End +0 160 #Alt Down-Arrow +0 161 #Alt Page-Down +0 162 #Alt Insert +0 163 #Alt Delete +0 164 #Alt / +0 165 #Alt Tab +0 166 #Alt Enter 12. Example: As shipped, pE's keyboard table assigns Alt_C to the function (387). The scan code for Alt_C is 46 so the line in keydef.txt looks like: command Function Ascii Scan Comment name number Code Code 387 +0 46 #alt C To change the assignment to control c (^c) which is unassigned, that line would be changed to read: 387 ^c #now control c Now Alt_C is available to assign to some other function and ^C will invoke . ** Command Reference ** ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Abandon Action (cancel) ESC Cancel a proposed command with ESC. Any changes made to an edit line prior to a shift of focus from that line are undone when ESC is pressed. The cursor is restored to the position it had prior to that edit step being performed. This command will also terminate an errant macro. When editing text, pressing shift ESC is a handy way to insert an actual ESCAPE character into the buffer. It is a single key short cut instead of pressing ^^ followed by ^[. Escape characters (decimal 27) are used by printers to cause some action (like turn on bold, etc), ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Align Paragraph (align) Alt_A Align Paragraph (prompt) (align) Alt shift A When pressed, align paragraph will reformat a paragraph dependant on the current paragraph format style. If word processing is turned on, automatic reformatting occurs continuously. When the shift key is pressed along with Alt and A, the current paragraph parameters are presented to the user on the status line. By pressing y (for yes) the reformat is done using those parameters; by pressing C (change), the existing parameters can be temporarily overridden for this reformat only. This is handy when you wish to indent some paragraph for emphasis and to return to the original settings. Align Paragraph is block sensitive. If a block is defined, its action is local to the block. If the block type is RECT (rectangular) then the left and right margin is taken from the outline of the block. This only affects the paragraphs located in the defined block ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Autodraw single on/off Alt_3 Autodraw double on/off Alt_4 Autodraw turns your cursor keys into line drawing keys. As indicated Alt 3 will allow a single line to be drawn while Alt 4 causes a double line to be drawn. As you change direction the correct corner characters are joined to the line and as you cross any of the line drawing characters the correct intersections are used. Alt 3 and 4 are toggles. NOTE: A block must not be currently defined to use this feature. i.e. must not be highlighted. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Auto Tab (auto_tab) not assigned Auto tab automatically tabs one tab stop any time an open brace is the last character before an enter is pressed. The effect is as follows { we start here next and continue } (pressed shift tab here) else { (pressed enter here) we go to here and continue Nothing in particular happens with the close brace. This effect can be turned on or off by choosing from the OPTION menu, Auto_Tab. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Backspace (back_space) Backspace In Insert mode, the backspace key causes all characters on the line to the right to shift one position left. If the cursor is in column one (and the screen is not shifted), backspace will 'backspace' up to the previous line, effectively joining the current line to the line above. In Replace mode, backspace replaces the character to the left of the cursor with a space. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Backtab (back_tab) Shift Tab In Insert mode, backtab will remove spaces back to the previous tab position. It will never delete non spaces, however. In Replace mode it positions the cursor to the previous tab stop. When a block is marked in the current window, and any part of it is visible, backtab will position all lines within that block back one tab stop. Very handy for moving a 'block' one tab stop backward. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Backup Path (backup) not assigned Backup path refers to the path used to backup files when saving. The normal action of pE is to never overwrite an existing file with its changed counterpart. Instead the existing file is moved to the location specified in backup path. The backup path is set from menu option OPTION, backup. If made null, (no backup path), then no backup is done. NOTE that sometimes you wish you hadn't changed a thing AFTER you already saved the changes. With backup, its a very simple matter to restore the file the way it was. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Borders on/off (borders) not assigned Borders may be turned off by selecting this option from the menu OPTION borders. NOTE - it is not a good idea to turn borders off if you're using a mouse. The gadgets (scroll, zoom, cut and paste disappear. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Box style 1 - single (sl_box) Alt_1 Box style 2 - double (dl_box) Alt_2 Box style 3 - two down (td_box) Alt_3 Box style 4 - two across (ta_box) Alt_4 Box style 5 - thick line (tl_box) Alt_5 Box style 6 - +-++++-+ (a1_box) Alt_6 Box style 7 - +=+==+=+ (a2_box) Alt_7 Box style 8 - ++++++++ (a3_box) Alt_8 Box style 9 - ******** (a4_box) Alt_9 Once a block of type RECT (columns) is defined, any of these box styles may be chosen to draw the box. Holding the shift key while pressing Alt 6 - 9 allows you to redefine the ascii box characters, so that any style box may be drawn. The sequence of characters in the line drawing set is: left corner, top, right corner, left side, right side, bottom left, bottom, bottom right. -|!=* would produce a box like: --- | ! | ! ===* kind of ugly, but we hope it makes the point. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Block Undo (undo_block) Alt_0 Marking a group of lines with either kind of block mark allows you to subsequently use Alt 0 (zero) to undo any block action, including replace all. This can be very comforting if you're about to replace all using a regular expression. It is also very useful in undrawing lines or boxes. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Calculator (calc) not assigned Calculator Result (calc_result) Alt_= The calculator pE provides is a full capability calculator. It provides multi precision, floating point as well as integer arithmetic in hex, decimal, binary or octal. It has a memory function, can be moved around the screen and does date arithmetic. Its result register is manifested in Alt = so the result of a computation can be pasted into your current text. Try it, you'll like it. While not assigned a key, you can get to it easily from the menu under EDIT. You can also type calc in response to Command: (Alt C) or create yourself a macro to invoke the calculator, or assign a key. See 'Modifying key assignments' above. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Case Sensitivity (Toggle) (case) ^F5 Normally case sensitivity is not desirable in a search. Sometimes it is. When it is push ^F5 and your search string will be match exactly as you type them. Pressing it twice gets you back to where you started. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Center Text in Block (cflush) ^Ac In word processing mode, this command will center a paragraph between the left and right margins. If a block is marked, then all the lines in the block will be centered. In text mode only the current line is centered unless a block is marked, in which case all the lines in the block are centered. Centering is done between the left and right edge of the window, irrespective of any margins. This command is meant to be invoked AFTER you've typed the text, not as you type. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Character Down (down) dn-arrow Character Left (left) <- Character Right (right) -> Character Up (up) up-arrow The arrow keys work pretty much the way you'd hope. The cursor moves in the direction specified. If the shift key is also depressed, then the data scrolls on the screen instead of the cursor moving. This also is the case if scroll lock is engaged. Note that the shift action described only works with the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, not the extra arrow keys found on 101 key keyboards. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Close Window (close) Alt_K Close window is used to close a window you are no longer interested in. If the window is the only one open, pE exits to DOS. If pE senses a change in the contents of the window without a save, it warns you by asking if it should discard changes to the contents. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Command (command) Alt_C The Command key (Alt C) is useful for executing commands that do not have keys assigned to them. It is also useful for executing commands from macros. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Copy Marked Block (paste) Gray Plus A marked block may be copied without effect on the paste buffer by positioning the cursor where you wish to copy and pressing the paste key. Copies will continue to be made as long as the block continues to be marked. The marked block may be in a different window. Clicking both mouse buttons is a short cut for paste. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Cut (cut) Gray Minus The process of removing text from the buffer and inserting it into what is known as the paste (scrap) buffer is known as a cut. It is very easy to do. Mark a section of your file with either Alt L (lines) or Alt B (column Block) or by using the mouse press the left button and holding it drag the mouse to the end of the lines you wish to mark. Doing the same with the right mouse button marks a column block. Letting up on the mouse button ends the mark. Similarly pressing either Alt L or B again ends the mark. Once marked, pressing the gray (-) on the numeric keypad will effect the cut. The text is removed from the main buffer and goes into an invisible buffer known as the scrap. To remove it from the scrap use the Paste key, gray (+) on the numeric keypad. If a block is not marked and cut is pressed, the line in which the cursor resides is cut to the paste buffer. It can immediately be pasted back with paste, and thereafter can be repeatedly pasted anywhere you choose until you cut something else. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Date - Time Both Shifts The current date and time is displayed overtop of the Window 1 of n portion of the status line. It reverts back to the window counter upon the next keystroke. Just hold both shift keys down at the same time. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Delete Block (cut) +Gray Minus A block is deleted by first marking it, then pressing shift and cut simultaneously. The 'deleted' text is actually written to a file (PB$$$$.PED) from which it can be recovered with the Shift paste key. Deleting text has no effect on the paste buffer. The advantage to deleting text as opposed to cutting to the paste buffer is two fold. You may not want to affect the contents of the paste buffer and you may truly want to discard a portion of your file without tying up memory resources. A subsequent delete will overwrite the contents of the delete file. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Delete Character (del) Del Delete character is accomplished by pressing the key marked Del on the numeric keypad. The character above the cursor is deleted and all characters to the right are moved left one position. Pressing delete in the empty space beyond the end of a line while in insert mode causes the line below to be joined to the current line at the point where the cursor is. In replace mode, pressing the delete key past the end of line has no effect. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Delete Line (delete_line) F4 Delete line deletes the current line into a line buffer, independent of the scrap. It may be restored from this buffer by pressing F3 (undelete line). ^Y is also assigned to delete line as a convenience for those of you coming from control character oriented editors and word processors. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Delete to end of line (delete_to_eol) ^F4 All characters from the cursor to the end of the line are removed and placed in the deleted line buffer. They are restored with ^F3 (undelete line segment). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Delete Word (delete_word) +Del Delete Previous Word (pdel) ^Backspace What delete word deletes is dependant on what character the cursor is under. If blank, it and all blanks to the first non-blank are deleted. If non-blank the 'word' is deleted including all blanks after it to the first non-blank. A word is defined as non-blank characters separated by blanks or punctuation. The line is adjusted to reflect the deletion, the cursor is positioned to where the word began. ^T may also be used to delete a word. To restore a deleted word use either shift Ins or ^QT. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Display Lines (EGA/VGA) (display) not_assigned EGA and VGA monitors have the ability to display 43 and 50 lines respectively. By selecting this option, pE will automatically place your monitor into that mode, if its not already there. Upon exiting, pE will restore the mode it found prior to its execution. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DOS Shell (dos) Alt_D DOS Window (dos_window) F11 Pressing Alt D causes pE to load a copy of COMMAND.COM and transfer control to it. Return to pE by typing EXIT followed by ENTER. pE stays loaded and it is possible that you may not have sufficient memory left to either load COMMAND.COM or to execute another program. It will help to close any unneeded windows prior to issuing the Alt D. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Draw single line Alt_1 Draw double line Alt_2 This command is a variation of drawing a box. Mark using Alt B or the right mouse button and press Alt 1 for a single line or Alt 2 for a double line. Note that the marked area should be either a single row or single column, otherwise you will get a box, not a line. Once a box is drawn, to draw lines within the box, place the cursor either on the top or left edge and press Alt 1 or 2. A line will be drawn down to the bottom edge (if the cursor was placed on the top) or to the right edge (if the cursor was on the left). Any lines crossed will be interconnected correctly with the appropriate box drawing characters. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Double Space Block (dspace) ^Kn Caution - if a block isn't marked, all lines from the cursor to the end of the file will have a blank line inserted between them. To double space any area of the file, line mark the area and press ^Kn. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Duplicate Line (dup) ^Qu ^Qu will replicate all characters from the character above the cursor to the end of the line. In insert mode a new line is created with the cursor positioned on that line in the same column the same column - like this. In replace mode, - characters in the line immediately below are replaced with the characters in the current line. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Edit File in new window (edit) Alt_E Pressing Alt E will cause a new window to be created, followed by the file chooser window. Selecting a file will then load that file into the new window with control transferring into that window. Pressing ESC will return to the original window from the file chooser. The exact same effect can be achieved by pressing Alt W (open window) followed by Alt O (open file). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ENTER (Return) (enter) Enter Pressing ENTER is a lot like pressing a carriage return in the good old days when typing devices had carriage returns. pE attempts to do something intelligent with the cursor in all cases. In text mode the cursor will move to the column immediately under the first non-blank character on the preceding line. The effect is to follow any indentation established from the preceding line. An exception to this is when the next line is not blank. The cursor assumes since the next line is indented for a purpose, it will follow that indentation as opposed to the prior lines indent. It may or may not be what you want. We have found more often than not that it is what we want. There is a very simple way to get what you want. If the next line is blank, the cursor position is always determined by the preceding line. Pressing ENTER in the middle of a line while in insert mode splits the line at that point. All characters from the cursor to the end of the line are brought down to the next line. Pressing ENTER in replace mode causes the cursor to move to either the first non blank character of the next line or to the column immediately under the first non blank character of the current line. When auto_tab mode is in effect the cursor will automatically indent one tab stop after an open brace character is typed ({). Try it, its easier to see than to describe. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Exit Immediately (finito) ^Ql Sometimes you just want to quit - get out, not save anything, just get out. No prompts, warnings etc, just exit to DOS. This is the command that does the above. ^Ql (leave). It won't save any changes, or warn you, it just exits. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Exit with Save (exit) Alt_X This is the usual way to exit. If you've made changes and not saved them, we advise you of that. Otherwise we exit. The message is: C:\SUB\FILENAME Modified. Save? (y,n): pressing an ENTER or y will save the file. Pressing n will exit without saving and pressing ESC will cancel the EXIT entirely. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ File Beginning (tfile) ^PgUp To position the cursor on the first line of the file and to display the first page, press ^PgUp. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ File name to cursor (filename) Alt_- Alt - will cause the current filename (only) to print at the cursor location. Its quite handy in macros to be able to pass a variable file name to DOS. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Page Top (tpage) ^Home Page Top will position the cursor to row 1, column 1 of the screen. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Find (dfind) Alt_F Find Regular Expression (dfind) Alt Shift F Find Next (ffind) F5 Find Previous (bfind) F6 Find or Search enables you to find a given character or string anywhere in your file. To inform pE what string or pattern you wish to search for, press either Alt F to find a simple string or Alt shift F to find a pattern (known as a regular expression). If you press find next without having specified what to find, you will also be prompted for the find string. Find String: or Find REG EXP: appears on the status line. Type either a simple character string or a regular expression (see page ###). End your entry with ENTER or cursor down to scan forward through the file, end with cursor up to scan backward. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Goto Line/Tag (goto) F9 Goto line/tag allows you to jump to a sequential line number or 'tag' which you have used to mark a location in a buffer. Tags span windows and are unique across the entire editing environment. Setting a tag of A in window one allows you to return to that exact row and column from any other window or file. Most often, compilers will provide the sequential line number of an error. Press F9, enter the line number, and you're there. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Graphics Mode (Toggle) (graphics) Alt_G The graphics mode toggle (Alt G) turns the keyboard into the line drawing character set of the PC. Each of the nine keys forming a box starting with Q W E and going down represent the four corners and the connection characters associated with drawing a particular kind of box: q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Ú Â ¿ É Ë » Õ Ñ ¸ Ö Ò · a s d f g h j k l ; ' + à Š´ Ì Î ¹ Æ Ø µ Ç × ¶ z x c v b n m , . / - \ À Á Ù È Ê ¼ Ô Ï ¾ Ó Ð ½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ³ º Ä Í Û Ü Ý Þ ß ± This legend is reproduced across the bottom two rows of the screen when Alt G is pressed. Pressing or clicking any of the specified keys produces the corresponding character on the screen. This is very hand for making minor repairs of diagrams or to creates non symmetrical special effects. You do NOT have to be in graphics mode to draw boxes or lines. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Help (Index) (help) F1 The help index is a pop up menu allowing you to choose which of 17 topics you would like help on. As with all pE menus, pressing the highlighted letter moves the bar to that choice, pressing enter selects the choice currently highlighted and pressing ESC cancels the command. Pressing help when help is up on the screen produces a pop up labeled "Menu Help" ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Hex Mode (Toggle) (hex) Alt_H Hex Mode displays the familiar side by side display of a hex dump. You may edit any kind of file in hexadecimal by altering either a hex digit or its ascii equivalent. Note that you cannot insert or delete from a file being edited in HEX however. pE goes into Replace mode while editing in Hex and will not allow you to size or move a Hex window. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Include File (include) Alt_I Examines the line the cursor is in for a file specification. If one is found (between any set of delimiters [('"{}"')], then the file referenced by the specification is retrieved and placed into a window for editing, if not already loaded. If the specification is the file name only, pE will search according to the following sequence. The file is looked for first in the current directory, then in the path specified by the "INCLUDE" environment variable, and finally in the path specified in the "PATH" environment variable. If the file is not found a suitable message is presented. The file spec may have a line number following (blank separated). The file will be positioned to that line (or line 1). This feature allows you to keep track of all the files associated with a large system easily. You can keep a file list of all the files you are interested in and their locations anywhere on your disk. Point to the file name (using cursor or mouse) and press Alt I, and the file will be found and presented for your view or edit. A good way to document your programs is to include a reference to where a function may be located as a comment on the same line as the declaration. Then if there's any question about what that function does, or just how the arguments look, you can press Alt I to view it in another window. A way to search for a file that you know is in your path, somewhere, from within pE, is to type it on a line, like and then to press Alt I the cursor does not need to be inside the < > unless there are more than one file references on a line. if its anywhere on your hard drive, in any subdirectory in your path statement, pE will load it and jump to that window. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Ins/Rpl on Startup (startup_ir) not assigned Some people like to be in insert mode most of the time and some people like chocolate. Whichever you prefer can be established as the default through OPTION menu item Insert/Replace. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Insert Blank Line (ins_line) ^N To insert a blank line in front (or above) the line you are currently on, press ^N. The line you are on and all lines below will scroll down leaving the cursor positioned on a blank line. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Insert Deleted Line (ins_del_line) F3 Insert Deleted Line Segment (ins_del_seg) ^F3 Insert Deleted Word (ins_del_word) +Ins ^Qt This group of commands can be very handy in replicating pieces of text without affecting the paste buffer. Sometimes you want to repeat only a phrase or line or word. By deleting and then immediately undeleting you capture that phrase, word, or line. Then it is available to you to insert anywhere over and over again. Note that F4 deletes a line and ^F4 deletes to the end of line and ^T or +Del deletes a word. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Join Line (join_line) ^Qj Join line causes the next line to be appended to the current line without moving the cursor from the column it is in. It works the same way in insert as well as replace mode and is the only way to join two lines together (with a single keystroke) in replace mode. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Jump next Window (jump) F2 Jump to File in list (ljump) Alt_J Pressing F2 causes pE to 'jump' to the next window in sequence. That is, if you're currently in window 3, pressing F2 will move you to window 4. If there is only one window, there will obviously be no effect. When there are many windows open simultaneously, you usually want to go to a specific window, as opposed to the next window. Alt J provides this capability. Alt J presents a list of all open windows in a pop up menu enabling you to select which window you want. Select by highlighting your choice and pressing enter. If you changed your mind, you may press ESCAPE. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Left Align in Block (lflush) ^Al If no block is defined, this command will cause the line in which the cursor is found to begin at column one. It left flushes the line. In Word Mode the entire paragraph is left flushed. If a block is marked then all lines in the block are left flushed. 'Left' is column one if a line mark and the starting column of a block otherwise. Note that each line is treated separately, there is no movement of data from one line to another, irrespective of word or text mode. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Line Beginning (home) Home Line End (end) End To move the cursor to the first character in the line, you press HOME. To move the cursor just past the last character in the line, press END. If the screen needs to shift to accommodate the above, it will. If the cursor is already on the first character of the line and HOME is pressed, the cursor will proceed to the left edge of the screen. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Line Length (line_length) not assigned Line length provides an additional right margin setting. Its default setting is the same as the maximum record length of 511. Word wrap occurs at the column whose value is line length. Since the default value is 511, you need not fear your text wrapping when you don't want it to. On the other hand if you want word wrap but don't want automatic reformatting on each keystroke, then set line length to the column you want less than that. If you should type out to column 511, you will wrap text back to the current left indent. While text will wrap between the line length setting and whatever the current left indent is, it will not automatically reformat when you delete characters, words or lines. There are times when automatic reformatting can be a nuisance. The other advantage of setting a line length is when you want to be assured that you will not enter data beyond a certain column. Line length is saved in ENV.PED when options are saved. (see Save Options page ###). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Lower Case a Block (lcase) ^Kl To cause all the characters in a marked block to become lower case, press ^Kl. Pressing ^Ku will cause all marked character to become upper case. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Macros on/off (macros) ^\ Macro undefine (clear_macro) ^_ Macros on/off allows you to override a macro key assignment. If for some reason you decided to use ^L as a macro key and you wanted to temporarily override its macro use, by pressing ^\, ^L would print a form feed character (female symbol). Pressing ^\ once more would restore ^L's macro function. Macro undefine is used to disassociate a macro from a key, permanently. Once you undefine a macro, the only way to restore it is to either redefine and respecify the key, or to cause it to be respecified by exiting and reinitializing pE from an environment file (ENV.PED) that contains the saved image of the macro. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Mark Block (bmark) Alt_B Mark Lines (lmark) Alt_L Mark Block refers to marking a rectangular area of the screen sometimes referred to as a column block, block of columns or RECT (for rectangle). The key is Alt B (for block). A block is a rectangle, after all. Mark Lines marks one or more lines. A line is an illusionary construct that has all of its characters on a single row. The row can be thought of as beginning in column one and extending to column 511. The only exception to this is in word processing mode, in which case a line begins at the left margin and goes to the right margin (always). Cut and Paste know what kind of block is being manipulated, so if you cut a block of columns, when you paste, you paste a rectangular group of characters into your file. If you're in insert mode, and there is text on the lines you are pasting into, that text will move over as the inserted text is inserted. If on the other hand you are in replace mode, and you paste a column block into existing text, you will replace the text which is located in any given line with the text coming from the paste buffer. Line blocks are always pasted as lines, column blocks are always pasted as column blocks. You need to experiment a little bit to completely understand this concept. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Mark Row and Col 1 & 2 (save_rc) ^F8 There are two tags, or bookmarks that don't have letters associated with them. Call them mark 1 and mark 2. Which one is which depends on the last one set. The first time you press ^F8, mark one is set, the second time you press ^F8, mark two is set, and the next time you press ^F8, mark one is reset to the new position. Once set these two marks allow you to, with a single keystroke (F8) bounce between any two locations in your entire editing session, across windows, files, whatever. They provide a very easy mechanism to return to where you started from after going somewhere else. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Match Braces (brace) F10 Match braces matches braces {}, parends (()) and brackets []. Admittedly, braces probably are only used in 'C' but the other two are used in many other programming languages. This function will locate the matching brace, parend or bracket, if it can. If it can't it will so inform you. Position the cursor under a brace, parend or bracket and press F10. The scan will be forward or backward dependent on whether you choose an opening or closing symbol. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Menu (menu) Alt Spacebar Menu on/off (menus) not assigned Alt spacebar will cause the pull down menu to appear with the first letter of each group of functions highlighted. Press the highlighted letter or use the cursor keys to advance the highlight to the function of choice and press ENTER to select. An option under OPTIONs is menu on/off. Menu ON uses the top line of the screen to show the menu options. Menu OFF superimposes the menu window onto the top line of the screen. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Merge File (merge) Alt_M Merge File calls the file chooser to allow you to select a file. The file selected is read into the paste buffer and can subsequently be pasted into the current window, or any window for that matter. Put the cursor where you want the file inserted and press paste. Its a good idea to cut a blank line after you have merged a sizable file so that the memory used by the paste buffer is freed up. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Move Block (moveb) ^Km If you know that you want to move a group of lines from one position in a file to another without first cutting and then pasting, you can accomplish both in one step with the move block command. The same function can be accomplished in two steps as well. Mark a block, move the cursor to where you want the text moved, and press ^Km. If you are in a different window, you will be asked if you wish to cut from another page or window, answer y for yes. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Move Window (movew) ^F10 Windows can be moved only if they are smaller than the full size of the screen. To move a window using the keyboard, press ^F10. Use the arrow keys to position the window to where you want it, then press ESC to end the move. With the mouse 'grab' the top left corner of the window, and holding the left button down, move the window to where you want it. Release the mouse button. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ New File (new) Alt_N The New File command is used to name the contents of a window something other than NO_NAME. It is also possible to call the file chooser once you have selected New File. Type Alt O (open) to pick a file from the file chooser or type the name of a file. NOTE: If you type the name of an existing file using this command, and you do not have backup set, you will overwrite the existing file with the data you place into the buffer. If you choose new file in a window that you have modified, we ask if you wish to discard the changes you have made. If you haven't made any changes, the screen is cleared, and the name is set to NO_NAME. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Next Character Literally ^^ Quote ^circumflex (^^) is used when you want to insert a character that has a command assigned to it. For example, the ^A keystroke normally invokes Align block instead of inserting a Ctrl-A character (, ASCII value 1) into the buffer. To insert the ASCII value for Ctrl-A, þ Press Ctrl-^ then þ Press Ctrl-A A list of ASCII values for keys may be found in your DOS manual. The only exception to the above is in inserting the ESCAPE character (<-, ASCII value 27). Since it is a common character for printer escape sequences, we provide for its insertion by typing shift ESC while editing. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Next Word (wordr) ^-> Advances the cursor to the next 'word' in the buffer, spanning lines if necessary. A word is defined a succession of non-blank characters, letter a-z, A-Z, and numbers 0-9, excluding all punctuation. This command will cause pE to scroll if necessary to position to the next word. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Open File in this window (open_file) Alt_O Calls the file chooser, a point and shoot file selector based on the premise that we shouldn't have to know exactly how to spell a filename. The file chooser also provides for the most common file management functions, i.e. delete, rename and change directory. Once a file has been selected, the file is read into the current window. Pressing cancel (ESC) at the file chooser, returns control to the window with the data present intact. If changes have been made and not saved, the message: Discard changes to ? (n/y/save): is presented. Default is n(o), so you must type a y(es) or s(ave). If you type yes, than your changes will be lost, if you type save, then the changes will be saved and then the file chooser will be called. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Open Line (open_line) ^Qo Open Line provides a way for you to cause all the character to the right of the cursor to be inserted below the current line and for you to continue typing on the current line (cursor doesn't move), all with one keystroke. It works the same in insert or replace mode. Open Line would be like pressing enter (in insert mode) followed by returning the cursor to the column and row before the press of enter. Again, its one of those that are much easier done, than explained. Try it, you'll like it. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Open Window (open_window) Alt_W Opens a new window, and transfers control to it. If the maximum number of windows have already been opened, then the message "Sorry - no more Windows" is displayed in an error box. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Page Bottom (bpage) ^End Moves the cursor to the last row in the window, column one. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Page Down (pgdn) PgDn Displays the next n number of lines in the file, where n is the number of lines between the top and bottom borders of the current window. The last page attempts to display a full page, so the screen is positioned such that the last line is on the bottom row of the screen, if possible. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Page Top (tpage) ^Home Positions the cursor to row 1, column 1 of the current window. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Page Up (pgup) PgUp Displays the previous n lines of text from your file in the current window, where n is the number of lines between the top and bottom of your window. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Paragraph Down (pdn) +PgDn Paragraph Up (pup) +PgUp Positions the cursor to the next/previous paragraph. A paragraph is defined as a succession of non blank lines followed by a blank line or one whose leftmost character is indented from the previous line. This is a new paragraph. So is this. But not this. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Paragraph Format (style) not assigned Paragraph format refers to the margin and alignment settings for word mode. The left margin, right margin and indent may be set as well as the alignment type of left, right or unjustified. Left aligned is when the paragraph is aligned on the left but having a ragged right edge. Right aligned is when both the left and right edges of a paragraph are aligned. This is also known as justified. Unjustified removes extra blanks placed there when a paragraph was justified. It never needs to be selected unless you wish to return to a left alignment after a you tried a right alignment. These parameters are used when word mode is selected to align paragraphs and set margins. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Paste (paste) Gray Plus Paste moves the contents of the 'scrap' into the buffer you are currently editing. It is important to recognize the difference between insert and replace when pasting column blocks. In insert mode, data is inserted at the cursor and any characters to the right of the cursor will be displaced to the right of the inserted string. In replace mode, on the other hand, any characters in the buffer corresponding to a character in the scrap will be overlaid (or replaced). Line blocks are inserted vertically above the line in which the cursor resides. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Previous Position (prev_rc) F8 Previous position refers to the currently set mark 1 and mark 2. (see Mark row and col, 1&2). F8 will position the cursor to first Mark 1 and then Mark 2. It provides for a single keystroke 'get me back to where I was key'. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Print Block (print) Alt_P Print File (print) Alt_P If a block is marked, we assume you wish to print only the block, else we print the entire contents of the current window. Note that sufficient memory must be available to call the print processor. If there is not, an appropriate message will so inform you. You can always call the print processor from outside pE by typing pprnt [filetoprint] [outputfile] filetoprint - optional filename to print - file chooser will be presented otherwise outputfile - you can direct the output to a file, a good choice if you wish to see the where the page breaks occurred. The following commands are effective in the print processor: ^F2 - Save print options in [PRTENV.PED] F3 - Reset Output to device. May be a filespec HOME - First item in print option list END - Last item in print option list To begin printing, type HOME,ENTER To change values - type new value followed by ENTER. To toggle Headers and Footers, use space bar. ESC - Cancel Print Request The print processor gives you the ability to print your text anywhere on the page. For this reason, left margin values are really not important, except for displaying on a monitor. When you go the print a document, you may set all of your margins to achieve the desired effect. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Quick Save and Exit Alt_Q Quick save and Exit is a useful macro which saves the existing file to the same name and exits. The macro executes exactly as if you were to type: Alt S followed by Enter followed by Alt X. The macro definition can be viewed by pressing Ctrl F1, then Alt Q. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Record Keystrokes (record) ^F1 Up to 255 individual keystrokes can be recorded and assigned to a single key. We call this a 'macro'. You may record any keystroke, including macro keys (whether or not they have been assigned). This means that macros may call themselves or other macros. Macros are intended to provide an easy way to insert repetitive keystrokes into your text, they are also intended to provide for the execution of a sequence of pE commands. Macro processing is block sensitive. I.E. if a block is defined, the macro will operate only within the block. You must however position the cursor to the beginning of the block to begin processing. Macro processing is also sensitive to the end of the file. If a repetitive macro performs some function on each line, it will stop when there are no more lines. Macros will also stop when an error causing either the message window or error window occurs. It is still possible to get a macro into an infinite loop. To break one of these loops, press ESCAPE. You may have to press ESCAPE twice depending on exactly what the macro does. There are no limits (other than available memory) on the number of macros. Macros are saved along with all option settings when options are saved (^F2). Certain tsr's that alter the keyboard typematic rate can cause macros that are repeatedly executed by holding down a key (counting on the repeating of the key) to not function correctly. You have two choices. Uninstall the tsr's or execute the macro by continuously repressing the key assigned. The double lines printed above and below the heading were done with a macro that inserts one Í at a time. By holding the key assigned to that macro, we could control exactly how long a double line was inserted. While there are many ways to draw lines in pE, this one is good for drawing a variable length line without having to prespecify where it goes. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Restore Block (ins_del_block) +Gray Plus Restore block inserts the last DELETED block from file PB$$$$.PED in between the current line and the line above. This function is intended to act as a safety net after a large block was deleted (by holding the shift key and pressing the keypad minus (-)). It also is useful in providing a different place for text to be 'cut' to and pasted from, without affecting the current scrap. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Restore Line (cancel) ESC If you begin making changes to a line and decide you do not wish to keep them, press ESC before you exit that line; the line will be restored to its state prior the changes begun. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Replace Regular Expression (replace) Alt Shift R Replace String (replace) Alt_R Replace string allows you to do global search and replace operations. By holding the shift key while pressing Alt R you may use a regular expression on the search side of a replace. The replace command can be performed globally, restricted to a block, or you may chooses to be prompted at each and every occurrence of the found string. Keying Alt_R (Replace) causes Replace " to appear on the status line. Key in the text to search for, followed by ENTER. The closing quote followed by the word 'With' and a quote will appear immediately following the replace string. Replace "string1" With " Enter the text you wish substituted for the search string, again follow with ENTER. The prompt: 'All? (y/n):' asks if you wish to change all occurrences, or to be selective. Replace "string1" With "string2" All? Answering y (yes) to All? will replace all occurrences of string1 with string2. String2 may be NULL, in which case string1 is deleted wherever found. Answering n (no) scans forward looking for the next occurrence of string1. Upon finding it, pE highlights the string and asks: O.K.? (y/n/all): 'Y' replaces the string and restarts the scan, 'N' continues to the next occurrence, and 'A' replaces the current, and all subsequent, occurrences. At any time you may press ESC to cancel this command. For an in depth presentation of Regular expressions see page ###). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Return Word Count (nword) ^Qn My kids, who use pE to type their term papers, asked me for this one. The count of words is displayed in a message pop up. A word is defined as a succession of non blank characters separated by blanks. This count may vary from other word counts because of what other processors define a word to be. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Right Align in Block (rflush) ^Ar Text is flushed right in the defined block. It is not justified (there is no movement of data across lines). Each line is treated as a separate entity and moved to the right edge of the block. In word processing mode all lines in the paragraph defined from the cursor position to the first non blank line are moved to the right margin. In text mode all lines marked in a block are moved to the boundaries of the block. If a block is not marked then the current line is moved to the right window border. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Ruler - Horizontal (hruler) ^Vh Ruler - Vertical (vruler) ^Vv On occasion, it is useful to be able to count characters and lines. These rules will pop up overtop of your work and can be positioned anywhere with the cursor keys. Pressing ESC puts them away again. Note that both the vertical and horizontal rules start at 0, not 1. To count the number of characters in a line segment position the ruler so that 1 is on the first character and read the position of the last character. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Save File As (save) Alt_S Alt S is uses to save the current word to the same or a different file name. Once the save has occurred, editing continues. The file name displayed in the window border is presented as the save file name. The cursor is positioned after the last character of the name. You may edit the name or press ENTER to accept it. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Save Options (save_options) ^F2 When an editing session begins, pE looks in the current directory for a file called ENV.PED. If it finds the file, it uses the values therein to set borders, menus, margins, line lengths etc. It also loads any macros it finds along with tab settings and generally all of the user definable options. If ENV.PED is not found in the current directory, then the home directory is searched. The home directory is either the path defined by the PED environment variable or the directory in which the pe executable is found. (On DOS systems prior to 3.0 you must set PED equal to the path where pe.exe is to be found). If ENV.PED is still not found, a default ENV.PED is created in the current directory. When you save options (^F2), ENV.PED is written to the current directory. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Scroll Down (data_up) +dn-arrow Scroll Up (data_dn) +up-arrow Scroll Window Left (data_rt) +<- Scroll Window Right (data_lt) +-> Holding the shift key while pressing any arrow key on the numeric keypad will scroll the screen in the arrow direction without moving the cursor. Exactly the same effect is achieved by pressing Scroll Lock except that until Scroll Lock is pressed once more the scrolling action will continue each time a cursor arrow is pressed. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Set Tabs (tabs) ^F7 There are two sets of tab stops in pE. One for text mode and one for word mode. In text mode tabs are initialized to every four columns starting a 1 and proceeding to column 77. In word mode the stops are every 5 columns apart instead of every 4. When ^F7 is selected, line of T....T....T's appears at the current cursor row, overlaying whatever text is there. The text is not lost, it will reappear once you have finished setting tabs. To set a tabstop in a particular column, advance the cursor to that column and type a T in that column. Remove the T from a column in which you don't want a tab stop. You do not have to replace t's with periods (.). Any character other than T is ignored. Lower case is acceptable as well as upper. When you have finished, press ENTER to affect the change and press ESC to change your mind. If you press ENTER, the question: Detab increment [8]: will appear on the status line. You may change the increment or press ESC. If you press ENTER one final question is presented: Do you want blanks replaced with tabs on output? (y/n): Once again pressing ENTER or ESC leaves the current setting alone. Detab increment refers to the number of spaces between tab characters when a file is detabbed. Most ASCII text processors (including pE) use 8 as their tab increment for input or output. You have a choice when a file is written to replace any blanks with tabs or not. Using tabs instead of blanks provides a saving in the number or characters stored on disk. The saving can be substantial in certain kinds of files. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Shift Text (move_text) F7 This command allows you to move text or any group of columns (including blank space) around the screen with either the mouse or the arrow keys. It provides for those times when you wish you could move a block a few positions up, down, left or right, without having to cut and paste. Mark the block using Alt B or by clicking the right mouse button (and dragging). Extend the block to cover the area you wish. Press F7 (or with the mouse click left on the upper left corner of the block). The block will change color, signifying that it is 'loose'. Move it around with the arrow keys or the mouse. When it is where you want it, type paste (grey +) or release the mouse. It is best to be in replace mode for this operation. Unless you with the text to the right of the block to move left to the left edge of the block. Try this a few times and it will become your favorite command. There are two restrictions. The block may not be larger than the screen in any direction. The block may not be moved off the screen. You can always cut and paste. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Single Space in block (sspace) ^Kd To single space a block, mark the block (either kind) and press ^Kd. If a block is not marked, all blank lines from the cursor row through the last line in the file are removed. ^Kn double spaces a block. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Size Window (sizew) ^F9 Windows may be sized by moving their bottom or right edge up or left. They may be moved with ^F10. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Tab Right (tab_right) TAB Tab Left (back_tab) Shift TAB See 'Set Tabs'. Tab Right advances the cursor to the next tab stop higher than the current cursor position. In insert mode it inserts the appropriate number of spaces in the line. In replace mode it moves the cursor. Tab Left or backtab moves the cursor to the left to the previous tab stop. In insert mode it will remove any blanks between the current cursor location and the previous tab stop. It will not remove non blanks. In replace mode it moves the cursor. When a block is marked and at least partially visible, all of the lines participating in the block are shifted one tab stop to the right or left. The entire block is shifted, irrespective of where the cursor started out. The cursor is positioned on the left most column of the group of lines which is non blank. This command is very useful to rapidly indent/outdent a group of lines. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Tag Line (tag) Alt_T Up to 26 'tags' or bookmarks may be placed in the various files you are editing. They correspond to the letters of the alphabet and my be jumped to once set with the 'goto' command. (F9). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Tile Windows (tile) Alt_Y Tile windows splits the screen into 2, 3 or 4 panes, placing a window into each pane. When there are only 2 or 3 windows, Alt Y will alternate between a horizontal and vertical placement of the windows. If there are more than 4 windows, the most current 4 are in the foreground, all others are 'hidden' behind the visible windows. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Insert mode (Toggle) (ins) Ins Pressing Ins on the numeric keypad toggles pE's insert/replace state. An indicator on the bottom line provides an indication of the insert state (or replace state). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Undelete Line (ins_del_line) F3 or ^U If you inadvertently press F4, you may undelete the line with F3. Note that ^F4 deletes a line segment (to the end of the line) and ^F3 restores a line segment. ^U may also be used. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Unmark Block (unmark) Alt_U Alt U will unmark a marked block. Double left clicking the mouse will also unmark a block (but only if you have a mouse). ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Upper Case a Block (ucase) ^Ku To turn all the letters in a marked block to upper case, press ^Ku. The block must be marked. ^Kl will lower case a block. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ View File Read Only (view) Alt_V A file may be placed in a window in a read only status with Alt V. No changes whatever are allowed to the file and it cannot be written. A marked block can, however, be written. You may mark a block and copy that block to another file but you may not cut or paste to the read only file. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Word Processing on/off (wp_mode) ^F6 or F12 For folks with the extended keyboard F12 turns word processing mode on or off, for the rest of us its ^F6. Word mode continuously reformats between the left and right margin as you type. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Write Block (writeb) ^Kw Write block allows you to mark part (or all) of a file and cause it to be written to a filename of your choice. It is very convenient in splitting a file into pieces. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Zoom Windows (zoom) Alt_Z If a window is reduced in size from its normal full screen size, pressing zoom will cause it to occupy the entire screen. Similarly if an alternate size has been defined, pressing zoom will cause the window to assume its alternate size. (see size window).